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[21] TerraMaster D16 Thunderbolt 3 40 Гбит/с на 16 мест идеален для видео 8K

30.11.-1 | Hi-tech компанії, Україна

Shenzhen, China, July 22, 2021
TerraMaster, which specializes in innovative storage solutions, is pleased to introduce the D16 Thunderbolt 3, a portable, high-speed, high-speed 16-seat RAID storage system for true professionals with a total storage capacity of up to 288 Terabay .

The D16 Thunderbolt 3 system is equipped with a separate processor, which reduces the load on the computer's processor, increases the speed of RAID and increases comfort. With two Thunderbolt 3 40 Gbps interfaces, the system is fast and reliable enough to perform the most demanding storage and data transfer tasks, including editing uncompressed 4K / 8K video streams and streaming for TV. Other applications of the system include animation, processing of 3D content, photos and other tasks that require high speeds and volumes.

Lightning speed with the highest reliability

The D16 Thunderbolt 3 storage system provides data transfer speeds of up to 2817 Mbps with 16 SSDs in RAID 0 mode on Windows. In RAID 6 mode, the speed reaches 2480 Mbps. Such a high data rate allows you to fully focus on work without being distracted by technical limitations and the completion of technical processes. RAID 5 and RAID 6 also continuously protect operating data from possible failure of one or two drives.

Extreme capacity up to 1 PB

The D16 Thunderbolt 3 system with 16 seats has a total capacity of up to 288 TB (16 HDD x 18 TB) with support for 3.5 ”SATA and 2.5” SSD drives. It is possible to connect other storage systems via the Thunderbolt 3 interface - thus, 6 D16 Thunderbolt 3 devices can store up to 1 Petabyte of data.

Fast work with video

This system reduces time costs at almost all stages of the post-production process. For example, you can easily transfer several hours of video from Blackmagic® devices to Adobe® Premiere Pro. When working with uncompressed HD 10-bit and 12-bit video, users can edit video data in ProRes 422 (HQ) and ProRes 4444 XQ formats. Rendering icons and thumbnails becomes much faster when working with large projects that have many high-resolution clips.

Silence and compactness

The D16 system is quiet and compact enough to be placed on a desktop next to a monitor, taking up no more space than a standard system unit. Even at full load, the internal quiet fan and optimized internal design provide efficient airflow and reduce the temperature of the installed drives, as well as significantly reduce resonances and noise.

Price and availability

TerraMaster D16 Thunderbolt 3 is offered at a price of 274,590.68 rubles in the official TerraMaster store and at the link https://aliexpress.ru/item/1005002976080700.html?spm=5261.ProductManageOnline.0.0.5d2e4edfd70Motor

data Learn more 3: https://www.terra-master.com/global/products/video-professional-das/d16-thunderbolt-3.html

Join TerraMaster on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ terramasterofficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerraMasters
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/terra-master/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2x557lLdd_OM5mqQZhW-4Q

About TerraMaster

TerraMaster is a professional solution for innovative storage technologies, such as NAS, DAS and Thunderbolt 3 devices, which are sold and gaining popularity in more than 40 countries. The development of these technologies has been going on for more than 10 years, taking into account the current needs of private users, small and medium-sized businesses and large enterprises. Due to its commitment to high standards of hardware and software development, TerraMaster products are well known for their reliability and practicality. Find out more on the official website: https://www.terra-master.com
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TerraMaster – это профессиональные решения из области инновационных технологий хранения данных, таких как NAS, DAS и устройств с интерфейсом Thunderbolt 3, которые продаются и набирают популярность уже более, чем в 40 странах мира. Разработка этих технологий ведётся более 10 лет с учётом актуальных потребностей всех категорий пользователей. Благодаря приверженности высоким стандартам создания аппаратного и программного обеспечения, продукция TerraMaster хорошо известна своей надёжностью и практичностью.

Контактна особа: JP
Телефон: +886-2-2882-5577
E-mail: [email protected]

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