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[295] Teleperformance Ukraine Invested More Than 1 Million Euro In Development Of Own Business In Ukraine

29.01.2010 | Hi-tech компанії, Зв'язок і телекомунікації, Фінанси і банки, Україна

Kyiv, January 27, 2010 – Teleperformance Ukraine, a subsidiary Teleperformance Group (NYSE Euronext: FR 0000051807), invested more than 1 million Euro in development of own business in Ukraine. According to General Manager of Teleperformance Ukraine Mr. Andrei Zinkovetsky, the company reached break-even and met all 2009 business plan goals. Despite tough economic situation in Ukraine caused by recession in country’s economy, Teleperformance Ukraine opened an own outsourcing call center in the city of Cherkasy for 150 agents. Located 190 km from Kyiv, Ukraine’s national capital, this contact center is among top 5 in Eastern Europe taking into account the quality of facilities and equipment installed, Mr. Zinkovetsky said. The engineering solution for call center in Cherkassy based on the newest Avaya Call Center Elite and served by dedicated servers Avaya S8730 in Kyiv and Cherkasy. Currently a number of clients from financial, telecom and retail sectors of Ukrainian economy are serviced from Teleperformance Ukraine facilities in Kyiv and Cherkasy. In 2010 the company is planning to extend the number of agents involved in projects servicing Ukrainian clients to 300 operators. Among main company’s achievements in 2009 is a realization of Dnepropetrovsk call center site, country’s alone nearshoring project servicing clients of large-scale Russian bank from the territory of Ukraine. In the course of project realization a number of problems connected to the bank data secrecy, the trans-border personal data transmission, and the taxation were solved. This project allowed to cut expenses of company’s clients significantly, Mr. Zinkovetsky pointed out. In 2009 the company handled over 25 million calls, a record for Ukrainian market. About Teleperformance Teleperformance Ukraine started to operate in Ukraine in 2008. Currently the company owns two call centers in Kyiv and Cherkasy. The company employs more than 400 employees in Ukraine. The company offers the full range of outsourcing call center solutions for different sectors of economy, including inbound and outbound calls, telemarketing, new product launches, tailored bundled offers, direct response, application processing, new service/product requests, new account literature fulfillment, order fulfillment, customer care programs, claims and payment processing, customer segmentation and profiling, first party collections, technical support , product and service training, data capture, database management. For more information -- www.teleperformance.com.ua   Teleperformance Group (NYSE Euronext Paris: FR 0000051807), the # 1 global leader in managing the customer experience in the outsourced contact center market, has been serving companies around the world rolling out customer acquisition, customer care, technical support and debt collection programs on their behalf. In 2008, the Teleperformance Group achieved ?1.784 billion revenues (US$2.6 billion – average exchange rate at December 31, 2008: ?1 = US$1.46). The Group operates about 82,000 computerized workstations, with more than 100,000 employees (Full-Time Equivalents) across 268 contact centers in 49 countries and conducts programs in more than 66 different languages and dialects on behalf of major international companies operating in various industries. For more information -- www.teleperformance.com Contact: Mr. Alexander Kirilkin, Business Development Director Phone:  +380444289428, [email protected]
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Teleperformance Ukraine

Компания Teleperformance Ukraine начала свою деятельность в Украине в конце 2008 года. В настоящее время компания обслуживает два собственных колл - центра в Киеве и Черкассах. В компании работает более 400 сотрудников. Компания предоставляет весь комплекс услуг, связанных с обслуживанием по телефону клиентов компаний различных секторов экономики, включая прием и оформление заказов, организация горячих линий, телемаркетинг, cross и up sales, назначение встреч, взыскание задолженности, техническая поддержка, создание и актуализация баз данных, программы повышения лояльности и многое другое. Для более детальной информации - www.teleperformance.com.ua

Контактна особа: Alexander Kirilkin
Телефон: +38044-4289428
E-mail: [email protected]

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